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BeInformed User Guide


BeInformed is designed to teach health professionals the medico-legal principles of consent to treatment. The course is founded on problem-based learning, identifying difficult situations and explaining how they should be tackled.

This user guide will explain how to register for BeInformed and complete the course.


To register for the course, go to

Click on ‘Register Here’.

You will need:

  • a valid email address
  • a valid organisation code and password

This will be provided by your employer.

Fill in your details, taking care to make sure your email address is correct. You will receive an email so that we can validate your address. Click the link in the email to activate your account.

Logging in

To log in, return to the BeInformed home page and enter your email address, along with the password that you created when you registered.

Before you can access the course content, you will be prompted to answer a small set of questions. Your answers will allow BeInformed to recommend which modules you should study. You can change your answers to these questions at any time.

Click ‘Submit’ to save your answers and proceed to the course content.

The dashboard

This acts as the central ‘hub’ of the course, giving you an overview of your progress. Some modules may be ‘greyed out’. You are not required to complete these, but you may if you wish.

Use the dashboard to navigate through the content of the course. Each module contains an introduction, main content, test scenarios, and self-test questions.

My account

Click on ‘My account’ on the top navigation bar to update your name, email address or password.

You can also use this link to change your answers to the introductory questions. If you do this, modules that were greyed out on the dashboard may now become available (and vice-versa).

If you completed an earlier version of the course, you will also see a link to your old certificate here.

Download current progress

To download a PDF certificate of your current progress through the course, click on ‘Download current progress’ on the top navigation bar.

Learning objectives

At the end of the course, readers will be able to:

  • Outline the basic legal framework within which the law of consent to treatment operates
  • Describe the legal rules governing consent to treatment from the beginning to the end of life by reference to a range of situations and people. These include adults with capacity to consent, children and young people and adults who lack capacity to consent
  • Critically analyse the approach of the law to the issue of consent to treatment
  • Apply the law on consent to treatment confidently in the course of their work for the benefit of patients.

Completing the course

To complete the course, you need to complete all of the recommended modules and take the assessment.

The assessment comprises multiple-choice questions. You will only be tested on the content you have studied. You will be notified of your result immediately after submitting your answers.

Do not take the assessment without first working through the course content. You can only take it once, unless your course administrator allows you to retake it.

You must complete the assessment in one go. If you navigate away from the page before submitting your answers, you will need to start again.

The recommended pass mark is 75%. Check with your course administrator what the pass mark is for your hospital.

CPD hours

BeInformed has been approved for 8 CPD points (one for each module) by the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (ASGBI) and CPD UK. Print off your PDF certificate as evidence of completion in the ‘Download current progress’ tab.

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