The Inform Consent Suite uses the EIDO Inform library of consent education articles. This library covers approximately 400 of the most common surgical procedures. Whilst a lot of procedures are covered, there are other procedures conducted in hospitals which are not included.
The custom procedure feature allows a customer to add content from existing procedure or treatment leaflets into the consent suite. Once added to the system, a custom procedure article is treated the same as EIDO content. They can be sent as articles and added to consent forms.
In the dashboard, look for the book icon in the right hand menu and select “Custom Procedure Library”. This page has a list of all articles on the left hand side. Select an article to amend the content.
To add a new article, goto the right hand menu and select “Add Custom Procedure”.
The top section shows the settings for the article. You may activate or deactivate the article. Keep the article deactivated until you are happy with the content, then switch to active and send to your patients.
Some custom procedures require laterality, such as Orthopaedic procedures. Activate laterality using the toggle. Some articles are for information only and wouldn’t be consented for. Use the Consentable toggle to activate this as required.
A system code is generated for each custom procedure; such as
A library reference number may be added, if there is an internal code/reference that is needed to keep track of an article.
If your system license includes international content, then you will also see an Active Languages selector. This allows you to control which languages this article is available in. Select each required language from the drop-down list.
The lower part of the screen shows the content for this custom procedure article. Start by typing in the procedure name. This is used in search and is shown to the patient in their interface.
There are five sections which can be individually activated. Use the toggle by each section name to activate/deactivate as required. Add a heading for the section, then type or paste in the content. The usual formatting controls are available - bold, italic, bullets etc.
At the top of each section is a check box to “Include section on consent form”. When active, the content will show on any consent forms this custom procedure is added to. When inactive, the content section will only show when sent as an article.
Note that the “Consentable” toggle in Settings will override any individual section choices.
An article may have between one and five sections. Think of a section as a page for the patient to read. Good practice suggests spreading content out over a number of pages, to make it more legible. However, the author may choose how many sections to use for their specific use case.
Supporting PDF Documents
Each article may have an attached PDF document. This will display to the patient as the final page of content in their article. The patient may choose to view or download the PDF document. The PDF will not feature on the consent form.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and the final section is for PDF documents. Select the PDF file, then enter a heading and content. This heading and content will be displayed on the PDF download page.
The screenshot below shows how the patient will see this content in their interface.
If your system license includes international content, then you will be able to add translated content.
Each section now includes a language selector. The left hand side shows the primary language and right side is translations. Choose the language and you may now paste or type in a heading and content. The translation is fully independent to the primary, allowing you to fully customise the content.
Note that there must be content in the primary language before it is possible to add a translation.
When adding a translation to a section, placeholder content is entered to create the entry. If you don’t update this placeholder a warning will show when you click the UPDATE button. Click UPDATE again to save.
Who can access Custom Procedures?
The Custom Procedure library may be accessed by Admin Users and Library Users.
Hints & Tips
Custom procedures are a flexible way to customise the content within the system. As well as procedure information, customers use these for many different scenarios. If you want to send a PDF document about healthy ways to prepare for surgery, just add it to a custom procedure. Perhaps some patients need information about an anti-smoking campaign? Create a promotional custom procedure with a page of information and a link out to a 3rd party webpage.
You don’t have to always add written content. If is feasible to deactivate all sections and just include a PDF document.