The data configuration for a patient is fairly extensive and very customisable.
All of the core data points can have their label changed to suit your hospital’s requirements.
For example, the “hospital number” field can be labelled “S number” or “patient number” or “health number”.
Any of the core data points can be marked as required or unique. If they are required, a patient cannot be created without this data point. Unique means that the system will check for any other patient with that data point. If a duplicate is found then the new patient cannot be created.
All of this will be covered during the implementation phase with your hospital.
Meta Data
It is possible to create both patient meta data and session meta data points.
Patient meta data applies to the patient and can be used for data such as allergies or pregnancy.
Session meta data applies to the patient’s consent session and is more attributed to data such as which clinic, who is the responsible clinician, what is the procedure date.
This meta data is available in the filter controls, to allow the user to filter the patient list quite accurately.For example, if you want to find a patient who has completed their draft consent form, for a specific procedure date you can. Or patients in a clinic who have not read their article, to follow up and check everything is ok.