Enter Your Credentials
To access the dashboard, visit the choose your region from below.
AUSTRALIA: australia.eidodigital.com
INDIA: india.eidodigital.com
CANADA: canada.eidodigital.com
First of all, enter your email address and password.
Enter Your Access Code
If this is your first time logging in for a while you may be asked to enter an access code, this will be sent to the email address which is registered to your account. Copy the code from that email into the field if prompted.
If you haven't received an email with a verification code, before clicking the "Resend Code" link, please check in your junk folder to make sure it has not been filtered.
Login Successful
After entering the verification code you should be greeted by the Inform Digital dashboard. For tips on some basic tasks, check out some of our other Getting Started guides.
Resetting Your Password
If you can’t remember your password, please use the forgot password option. This will send a reset link through to the email address registered to your account.
If you are unsure as to which email address your account was registered under, please contact your internal IT administrator as they will be able to access this information through the admin dashboard.
You can then click the link in that email to navigate to the password reset page for the dashboard, where you can choose a new password to use.
Your new password should follow your organisation's password length and complexity rules which will be displayed below the "Update Password" button.
If you need help with your first access to the dashboard, see the article on Activating your account.